Saturday, August 17, 2013

Linux sipp client registration.

I have already wrote a post about SIPP installation in a linux machine. 
Now we can run sipp client on that linux machine and register with an asterisk server running in another machine.

a) Download Register xml ann CSV files from my other posts and copied it to the SIPP folder of the linux machine.

b) Open the Register CSV file using an editor and edit below entires based on your need.

18222 - SIP client (UAC) extension number  - SIP PBX IP address (here i used asterisk server ip address)

c) Now go to the sipp folder and execute command

'/sipp -sf REGISTER_client.xml -inf Register_client.csv -m 1'

How to install sipp in linux?

How to install sipp in linux?

1. Download the stable linux verison from the sipp source web.

Example: I downloaded "sipp-3.3.tar.gz" file and copied it to the ROOT folder of my linux machine.

2. Execute command "gunzip sipp-XXX.tar.gz" command, here i used command 'gunzip sipp-3.3.tar.gz'

3. Then execute command 'tar -xvf sipp-xxx.tar' command, here i used command 'tar -xvf sipp.3.3.tar' to extrac the sipp tar file.

4. The folder contains all th extracted  files and available in the same location.  Go to the folder 'cd sipp-xxx'

5. Now execute the command 'make'  - Just executig 'make' command without any extensions means we are using SIPP without TLS and Authentication support.

  a) Execute command 'make ossl' for TLS & Authentication support.
  b) Execute command 'make pcapplay' for PCAP Play & No authentication support.
  c) Execute command 'make pcapplay_ossl' for PCAP Play & Authentication support.

 Oh no !!! I had faced above error while executing 'make' command

6. I had executed the command 'yum install ncurses-dlevel ncurses' to install ncurses package (Note:- Linux machine should be connected with internet for yum update )

7. I've executed the 'make' command again to complete the sipp installation.